2015. szeptember 22., kedd

Ma van a nagy nap!

A mai napon kerül a Library of Souls az amerikai könyvesboltok polcaira! Ennek örömére Ransom Riggs egy órán keresztül válaszol néhány olvasói kérdésre a tumblr-ön. MOST FOLYIK az akció, bármit megkérdezhetsz!

I am VERY EXCITED to be doing a tumblr Answer Time on the VERY DAY LIBRARY OF SOULS COMES OUT (AHHHHH ***CONFETTI***) so please stop by and ask me a question on Tuesday, 9/22 at 3pm Eastern time / 12pm Pacific! I’ll be answering your questions for about an hour. We can talk about Miss Peregrine, Library of Souls, Tim Burton’s movie (well, I can answer SOME questions about the movie), or anything that happens to be on your mind.HERE IS MY ASK BOX LINK.

OH MY GOD IT’S TIME FOR ANSWERS. Welcome to my first inaugural tumblr Answer Time! For those of you who have no idea who I am, I wrote the Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children books, the third of which, Library of Souls, publishes today. Tim Burton’s making a movie of the first book which filmed last summer and is due out Xmas ‘16. I collect old photos and scuba dive and pet cats and answer questions on tumblr. Ask away!
I am VERY EXCITED to be doing a tumblr Answer Time on the VERY DAY LIBRARY OF SOULS COMES OUT (AHHHHH ***CONFETTI***) so please stop by and ask me a question on Tuesday, 9/22 at 3pm Eastern time / 12pm Pacific! I’ll be answering your questions for about an hour. We can talk about Miss Peregrine, Library of Souls, Tim Burton’s movie (well, I can answer SOME questions about the movie), or anything that happens to be on your mind. HERE IS MY ASK BOX LINK.

Thanks for your questions!

OK guys, I gotta sign off now, but thanks a million for all your Answer Time questions! I hope you had half as much fun as I did. Keep sending questions and I’ll answer them in days to come!

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